Monday, May 2, 2016

Oppose the Puerto Rico Bailout. My Letter To Congress (copy, paste, send)

Dear Representative/Senator         ,

Please do not support any kind of financial bailout or assistant to the foreign country of Puerto Rico.

As the Caribbean version of Greece, Puerto Rico purposely accumulated debt it could never repay believing (wrongly) that its imminent default would be covered by future generations of American taxpayers. Let them sink!

Pumping money into Puerto Rico will start a domino effect of intentional defaults that will hasten the collapse of the entire, already insolvent, US government and economy.

Puerto Rico is a foreign country that should be cut lose by the United States. Their debts are their decision.

It is time for the United States to put an end to idiotic, interventionist foreign policy which only results in the adoption of low IQ nations and all of their social, cultural, and financial problems.


(Your name)

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